Not only is joy my name; joy is my attitude. And in the mixed up crazy world of our educational scene, we all need to remember to be positive and joyful; especially when fostering the lifelong learner in ourselves as well as developing the lifelong learners in our students.
This is my "positive" journey with "personalized learning"; the latest buzz word in education. I am not going to even begin to define this term since that too is ever changing. What I am going to do instead is attempt to record my journey, as a lifelong learner, into the world of technology, from one who has only began to skim the surface of how technology can and should be used in the classroom.
Our county recently received a $30,000,000 grant to put a tablet into the hands of every middle-schooler in our district. (what they call 1:1- 1student, 1tablet) HUGE, right!! And guess what - hasn't been done before. Even more HUGE!
So where should we logically begin?? Training the teachers during the summer. That's where I come in. I am a sixth grade language arts teacher that, at the end of August, will be faced with a room full of students, each with a tablet and looking to me to guide them. Whoa! That's a bit overwhelming.
This will be my journey; my triumphs and struggles as I learn and my students learn - as we change the face of education. Who doesn't want to be part of something this....HUGE?!
This is my "positive" journey with "personalized learning"; the latest buzz word in education. I am not going to even begin to define this term since that too is ever changing. What I am going to do instead is attempt to record my journey, as a lifelong learner, into the world of technology, from one who has only began to skim the surface of how technology can and should be used in the classroom.
Our county recently received a $30,000,000 grant to put a tablet into the hands of every middle-schooler in our district. (what they call 1:1- 1student, 1tablet) HUGE, right!! And guess what - hasn't been done before. Even more HUGE!
So where should we logically begin?? Training the teachers during the summer. That's where I come in. I am a sixth grade language arts teacher that, at the end of August, will be faced with a room full of students, each with a tablet and looking to me to guide them. Whoa! That's a bit overwhelming.
This will be my journey; my triumphs and struggles as I learn and my students learn - as we change the face of education. Who doesn't want to be part of something this....HUGE?!
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