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How do you Personalize Learning?

So here are a few ways we are doing it.  How are you?

Reading Fluency:  I use AIMS Web data (student lexile levels) to pair students into leveled partners.  Then I select coordinating grade level selections for students to practice reading fluency 4 days a week.  Right now I have about 4 different grade level texts going on in my room at once.  Students read for one minute with partners, taking turns practicing their awesome fluency skills. I teach the students how to listen to each other, track for their partner, and graph their WPM.  The students read the same selection 4 days in a row, then after reading on the 4th day, they write a summary.  After 4 times, they know what it is about, and those difficult words on day 1 are no longer difficult. We make goals based on their data and work towards those goals until the next assessment.  I have found a lot of success with this and it provides for some great individualized data for each student.

Small Group Instruction or Tiered Assignments:  Using data and IEP support goals, I group students into 4 groups in my classroom.  Students rotate through various stations, including "meet with teacher".  This allows me to see all students, but vary my instruction and independent support level within that group based on need.  Independent stations vary on what we are working on at the time and can include things like word work, reading and tagging practice,writing practice, independent skill practice, tablet group discussions, or even work with tutor. Within these groups, tiered assignments, even choice boards can be used depending upon student level of understanding and mastery.

Genius Hour:  If you're not doing it, you should be! Our team spends 1 hour on Friday afternoon letting students choose what they want to learn about.  They research, blog about their experience, and prepare and present a final product. WOW! They love it and they get so excited. Talk about personalization!!!

 I am always looking for new ideas; especially in the vocabulary and spelling area.

How do you personalize in your classroom?
