So here are a few ways we are doing it. How are you? Reading Fluency: I use AIMS Web data (student lexile levels) to pair students into leveled partners. Then I select coordinating grade level selections for students to practice reading fluency 4 days a week. Right now I have about 4 different grade level texts going on in my room at once. Students read for one minute with partners, taking turns practicing their awesome fluency skills. I teach the students how to listen to each other, track for their partner, and graph their WPM. The students read the same selection 4 days in a row, then after reading on the 4th day, they write a summary. After 4 times, they know what it is about, and those difficult words on day 1 are no longer difficult. We make goals based on their data and work towards those goals until the next assessment. I have found a lot of success with this and it provides for some great individualized data for each student. ...
I read what you read and I want you to love it as much as I do!