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Showing posts from February, 2015

How do you Personalize Learning?

So here are a few ways we are doing it.  How are you? Reading Fluency:  I use AIMS Web data (student lexile levels) to pair students into leveled partners.  Then I select coordinating grade level selections for students to practice reading fluency 4 days a week.  Right now I have about 4 different grade level texts going on in my room at once.  Students read for one minute with partners, taking turns practicing their awesome fluency skills. I teach the students how to listen to each other, track for their partner, and graph their WPM.  The students read the same selection 4 days in a row, then after reading on the 4th day, they write a summary.  After 4 times, they know what it is about, and those difficult words on day 1 are no longer difficult. We make goals based on their data and work towards those goals until the next assessment.  I have found a lot of success with this and it provides for some great individualized data for each student. Small Group Instruction or Tiered Assi

Things are going well!

I must apologize for neglecting my blog now for so long, but this year has been one of change, challenge, and struggle for us at NWMS; so many professional and personal struggles have overwhelmed our staff this year.  We continue to hold on and stay strong.  That's the good news! Here is what's up with the tablets.  We are now about 4 months into tablet deployment and I have to say, it has been seamless.  The tablets are working great!  Gone are the days........ right, you remember those.  Connectivity is a dream as we no longer have to worry about the dreaded grey fans.  The only time we lose it is when the whole system goes down for all computers, but that is super rare.The quality of the device itself is just awesome;  strong glass, innovative protective cases, high quality chargers, keyboards,etc.  No issues there. It has been extremely beneficial that the concept behind the "personalized learning"  initiative has been redefined to include everything we do to