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Showing posts from February, 2014

Personalized Learning Production

Robin Britt has been BUSY!!!!  Check out this great video he put together on the way I approach personalized learning through flexing the environment. This model has evolved in my EC Inclusion class through the years and was inspired by Guided Reading Group experience I had teaching at the elementary level.  When I moved into the middle school, I was unsure how to structure my Language Arts Classes. I quickly learned that whole group was not the answer and I needed to do something else to meet the individual needs of my students. Hence, the Instructional Support Group. Check it out! (Click play or click the link below.) Disclaimer:  When I first watched this, I was like "Who is that person on the screen?"... so serious....and professional.....But then I thought....You know what?...... I am passionate about this model........ and it not only produces academic gains, but it also helps me really get to know my students....that's PA

Happy New Year!

It's a New Year and with that comes a time to renew, refocus, and regroup.  Although I am over a month late..... So the tablets are on their way back; as it looks now, next school year.  We have received numerous requests from the county to fill out questionnaires and reflections about the PACE initiative, giving teacher's a voice and opinion.  Our in house Technology guy has also sent out his own call for feedback and opened discussions about how it will look and run in our school; what worked and what didn't.  And tomorrow I attend the first county PACE meeting as the teacher representative from my school. (I should get all the updates on the initiative there.)  Post soon to follow. Meanwhile, the wifi fairies have been diligently been rewiring and placing WAPS in every mobile.  Yay! I just completed a really cool video; actually Robin Britt (AKA:  TECH. GUY) just completed a really cool video about "Personalizing by flexing the environment".  Link soon to