How cool is it to uncover clues and solve puzzles that would lead you to hidden books throughout your city? After reading this book, I’m wondering why we don’t have a game like this, because I would be the first to join. Book Scavenger is an online game where players hide books in different cities in different places throughout the US. The book scavenger must complete puzzles/ciphers to reveal clues to find the books. I was immediately drawn to this Pokémon Go for Book Nerds and thought how cool it would be to actually play and participate in this game. Of course, there are a bunch of other rules and such, but I’ll leave that for you, the reader to discover. This is not a book I usually pick up when I’m browsing through the library or bookstore, but what a pleasant surprise. The whole premise of this story was just…. well…..AWESOME! The Creator of Book Scavenger, Garrison Griswold, has been seriously injured and at a time that he was to release ...
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