Last school year, I delved deep into personalized learning with self-paced Canvas sets and standard driven maps for students. It was a glorious time in my creative, educational pedagogy, because I found great success with intentional, meaningful, and engaging units of study. Then came ARC. The trainings I received this summer were all about the personalized component of ARC; getting kids to read on their level, making personalized goals for each student, a valid assessment that could actually tell me something about my students' reading levels. All of which sounded reasonable and needed, and I was behind this. We received little information about the specific content of the day by day elements and did not see any manual/lesson plans until less than a week before school started. And I am here to tell you; the "Dark Side"....... is pretty dark. The structure of each lesson follows strict direct instruction with modeling from a grade level...
I read what you read and I want you to love it as much as I do!