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The GCS Personalized Learning Conference 2015

I woke up this morning with the Post - PLC2015 blues.  Have you ever felt that way about a 3-day conference?  I seriously doubt it.  These past three days have been the most purposeful, the most useful, and the most meaningful use of my time as an educator.  And I woke up this morning missing the people, missing the excitement, and missing the joy of discovery surrounding this event.

So what made this conference so different?

#1 - Energy

When you fill a place with leaders who truly believe in what they are doing, you begin to infect all with the same beliefs and excitement; energy spreads.  I will credit this to the awesome PLEFS and their leaders.  The minute I walked in the door, I saw their smiles, their energy, their excitement, and this continued throughout the opening sessions, during and between our breakout sessions, and through to the closing sessions.  They created this environment that motivated and energized the masses.  Great Job to you all!!

#2 - Quality, Variety, and Cutting Edge Sessions

How many times have you been to professional development and you are hearing the same old thing you have heard a million times before?  You begin thinking "what a waste of my time" which is preceded by involuntary eye rolling.  You know exactly what I am talking about!!

I have been teaching for 20 years.  Most PD I sit through falls right into this pattern.

I never once felt this way at the PLC 2015 conference, and here is why.  Yes, there were things I have heard before, but there was always a new spin on it or a new take away I was able to glean from each session.  This had much to do with the quality, energy, and engaging nature of the presenters who were knowledgeable about up-to-date current teaching and learning practices.  It also had a lot to do with the expectation given to us early on, that it we weren't learning, we had permission to leave and find another session.  This empowered the learner to abandon what didn't meet their needs, which in turn fostered more positive attitudes and more personalized learning.

#3 - Building New PLCs

The last day of the conference we participated in what was titled "Open Space Technology". Using an EdCamp mini design, conference attendees proposed topics to discuss in an open forum and small discussion groups were organized in 30 minute increments.  Conference participants chose which discussion groups to join and the networking began.  This model is often called the "unconference" because you choose what you want to talk about and get together with a bunch of other educators and just talk and share ideas.

I attended 3 of these discussion groups, and within every single one, I walked away with new ideas, new resources, and new relationships with some really awesome people.

#4 -  The Fostering of Relationships

This conference gave us the time and motivation to form new relationships and create PLCs that go beyond our own teams, grade levels, and schools.  We get so comfortable with the people we work with and we often avoid stepping out of that safe zone.  Especially at conferences!  I believe what has given me the Post - PLC2015 blues is wanting MORE time to talk to and share with the amazing new people I met and formed lasting relationships with at the conference.  So, I get a little sappy on this one, because my heart is so warmed by bonding with kindred who share a true passion for teaching and learning.

In closing.....

WOW!!!  What an incredible 3 days I will never forget!!!  This is the energy and purpose that needs to infect our schools, administrators, educators, and students. This is the innovation that inspires creativity and extinguishes complacency. This is the passion that needs to spread and cause change across this county.  This is the PLC2015!


  1. It was good to see you again, Joy! I agree! This conference was fantastic! :)

  2. Wow, Joy, your words have touched all of PLEFDOM. Teachers made the difference at #theplc2015 and that in turn is the true source of the energy, engagement and learning. The great news is that this excitement has spread to our school based trainings. Keep up the momentum, GCS. You are charting a new course in education.


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