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How Amplify Got it Right!

While visiting my first Edcamp in Charlotte, NC this past February, I realized there were a lot more school districts out there with 1:1 initiatives.  In fact, the Edcamp itself was held in a Personalized Learning Model School.  The physical space was amazing and every classroom had working group spaces for students using all variety of materials from tables and chairs to bean bags and stools.  I never figured out what tablet/device their students use, but I knew immediately what they didn't have; The Amplify Tablet.

While there, I created a new word called "APPHAUSTED".  This is how I felt as local and visiting educators rattled off app after app after app after app after, throw in a web-based tool, app after app......that they use in their classroom, some for the simplest of things.  I remember thinking over and over again.....Well, I wont write that one down, because our tablets already do that.  Well, I wont write that one down, because our tablets already do that.  You get the picture.  Can you imagine how the students must feel toggling between all those apps?; having to put in access codes, maybe even login information every time they want to switch activities.  What about switching between apps and web based tools?  This is just screaming "waste of instructional time". I'm "apphausted" just thinking about.

Here is why Amplify Got it Right:  Amplify's interactive features do the job of multiple apps with none of that lag time that would come with toggling.  Their features to the same things as apps and web based tools like Socrative, TodaysMeet, Onlinestopwatch, just rattling a few off the top of my head.  And I am know there are a slew of others I have heard about, but I haven't given them my attention because we just don't need them.  Amplify's tools have it covered and with a lot of extra features.  I can group certain students within a discussion. I can push out different leveled assignments to certain groups of students with the ease of simply selecting their name on my teacher tablet screen and easily pull up those assignments to grade.  I know what my students are doing on their tablets at all times, I know if they are actively participating, and I can allow apps or block apps as needed.  The gold mine of all gold mines is that my tablet is connected to theirs and as a class, we are always connected together, like a big technological family.

And just to throw in the extra bonus that Amplify has created common core question banks teachers can use by searching subject, standard, and level of difficulty.  I can create a standard based quiz and assign it to all students, groups of students, or one student if need be.  Don't know of any apps or web based tools that can do that?

So now, instead of looking up all these apps, exploring all these web based tools, having to create multiple accounts, and toggling, toggling toggling...........................................

 I just go to one place; The Amplify Tablet!!!

And trust me when I say...... I NEVER feel "APPHAUSTED"!!!
