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Showing posts from September, 2013

The Power of Discussion

What middle school student doesn't like to talk??...Even the ones you think are quiet. The absolute best way for them to learn how to use their tablet, involves just some honest to goodness "play".  There must be time to explore and this helps students become independent learners in the process.  So which feature did they zero in on first..... the class discussion feature that allows the students to talk to one another, as well as with the classroom teacher. If you are a middle school teacher and you are in tune with your students, you would already have a feeling about how this would go down.  First of all, they love to talk. Second of all, they have no idea what to say to one another.  We just kind of sat back to see what they would do with this feature. And I have to say; not surprised, somewhat impressed, and highly amused. Conversations went a little like this..... hey..... hello......wuz up......hey..........hi.........hiya.....what's for homework......ban

Releasing Control

Instruction and Practice: On day 2, I pushed out some vocabulary practice on the tablet.  This was so exciting, because I was able to scan the pages of their vocabulary book, which they cannot take home, and create a playlist where they can keep these vocabulary pages as practice and reference.  So here is me, doing the typical teacher thing, where I start the activity by having them open the document and everyone at the same time begins completing the exercises.  Problem #1:  Some students were moving very quickly through this process and some were moving very slowly through this process.  Problem #2:  I wasted some valuable instructional time waiting for all to finish so we could check their answers.  Problem #3:  We did not have time to go over it before class ended, and now everyone is in a different spot. Reflection: So here was my paradigm shift: I have come to the realization that releasing control will be the obstacle for me and well as many others when it comes to personal

Great Success is always Predicted to Fail

How many times am I going to hear this??? "The kids will break them, lose them, and they will get stolen." "In 2 years the tablets will be irrelevant and useless." "The tablets will not solve our educational problems." By the way, educational problems will never be solved.  (That should be in that quote with death and taxes.) Is is not just human nature to resist change?  Absolutely!  But, hey, is all this negativity really necessary?   History speaks amazing success of many innovations and ideas that were doubted and predicted to fail. What I see is a general lack of knowledge, written by a whole bunch of people that went to school, but yet, have never spent one day teaching school.  FYI:  It's real different now. I would like to hear from an actual student;   talking about how the tablets are not going to help them, or how the tablets are useless, or how the tablets will be irrelevant in their education in 2 years, then, I think I would

The Anticipated Tablet Distribution Day

Since we are studying story elements in class, I have been inspired to write this blog as an original story outline. Exposition:  The students and myself, Northwest Middle School, Tablet Distribution Day The excitement is killing me all morning in anxious anticipation of the day.  The tablets are charged, the PowerPoint is cued, my playlist is ready, and I am expecting miracles. Rising Action:   The students enter the room and after we take care of some maintenance items, we begin passing out the tablets, chargers, and orange covers.  The students are so excited and can't wait to get their hands on them.  Forget following the original "wait to power on" presentation slide.  Students begin to immediately explore.  Comment #1 "Look at all the math videos on this thing"!  We go through the basic tablet features, talk about tablet responsibility, and attempt to try the student/teacher interactive features. Climax:   Many students have the dreaded &q

Ode to Connectivity

Connectivity, Connectivity, Why are you such the irritating mystery? You thrash us to and fro, Knocking us out in vicious throws. By now, I thought you would discover, the needs - already uncovered. But instead we continue to wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, distribution seems way too late. We are bound by your limitations, will you be ready by Holiday Vacation? What is standing in your way; the mobiles, the server, the electronic highway. We need several miracles here to get this thing going, get it in gear!! As we wait, and wait, and wait, for Thursday  -  the magical date. Stress Test - Yes, it was! STAY TUNED!!! (Distribution to 6th Grade Thursday, September 12th)